

xing stable diffusion, 2024-04-280


guohuashanshui,masterpiece,best quality,Landscape woodcut prints,landscape woodcut prints,Lushan Waterfall,a Taoist saint in a plain white robe,standing on a mist-shrouded mountain peak,holding a whisk,staring into the distance,as if understanding the mysteries of the universe. Behind him,a tall ancient pine tree,accompanied by the distant bells,creates an atmosphere of tranquility that transcends the mundane world. Hand painted,Chinese ink artistic conception,masterpiece,highest quality,chinese dragon,paper-cut art,shanshui,Chinese style,

Negative prompt: (deformed iris, deformed pupils, semi-realistic, cgi, 3d, render, sketch, cartoon, drawing, anime:1.4),text,cropped,out of frame,(worst quality, low quality:2),jpeg artifacts,ugly,duplicate,morbid,mutilated,extra fingers,mutated hands,poorly drawn hands,poorly drawn face,mutation,deformed,blurry,dehydrated,bad anatomy,bad proportions,extra limbs,cloned face,disfigured,gross proportions,malformed limbs,missing arms,missing legs,extra arms,extra legs,fused fingers,too many fingers,long neck,nsfw,nsfw,nsfw,nsfw,Chinese black and white ink painting,,nsfw

Steps: 30, Size: 664x1328, Seed: 3369148827, Model: 20240304-1709527911138-0017 0017, 山水 | 新中式 v1.0, ☀立体剪纸艺术 v1.0, 20240408-1712578955204-0008 0008, 【新中式】国风意境山水画XL v2.0(月落长河云卷尘), 水墨龙/ink  chinese dragon sdxl, 极氪造画系列XL-V8-(插画游戏版) 极氪造画系列XL-V8, 国风金玉雕刻XL v1.0, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7

基于 stable-diffusion 模型生成。AI图像最终生成受模型版本,提示语及各项参数影响。相同提示语,每次AI图像生成结果各异。


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