

xing stable diffusion, 2024-04-140


Epic beauty, cinematic light contrast, Oriental mythological style, ultra HD wallpaper, super detail, masterpieces,


In the quiet (Moon Palace:1.2),(Chang 'e: 1.5) , (wearing neon clothes: 1.5), fairy temperament, her skin (ice muscle jade skin: 1.4), her eyes revealed a hint (sadness and pain: 1.4), (her hand gently caress the windowsill), as if thinking about their past and future,


a candle shines on (mica screen: 1.4), forming (deep shadow: 1.2). The mica on the screen is delicate and transparent (candlelight casts a soft and warm light and shadow through the texture of the mica: 1.3). The whole room is surrounded by this dim light, creating a quiet and mysterious atmosphere,epic beauty

(Outside the window: 1.4), (long river) flowing slowly, faint ripples on the water surface. As the night faded, so did the stars in the sky. In the dawn's light, the stars sank into the long river, as if a sleeping gem sank to the bottom of the water,

Negative prompt: (worst quality, low quality:2),monochrome,zombie,overexposure,watermark,text,bad anatomy,bad hand,extra hands,extra fingers,too many fingers,fused fingers,bad arm,distorted arm,extra arms,fused arms,extra legs,missing leg,disembodied leg,extra nipples,detached arm,liquid hand,inverted hand,disembodied limb,small breasts,loli,oversized head,extra body,completely nude,extra navel,easynegative,(hair between eyes),sketch,duplicate,ugly,huge eyes,text,logo,worst face,(bad and mutated hands:1.3),(blurry:2),horror,geometry,bad_prompt,(bad hands),(missing fingers),multiple limbs,bad anatomy,(interlocked fingers:1.2),Ugly Fingers,(extra digit and hands and fingers and legs and arms:1.4),((2girl)),(deformed fingers:1.2),(long fingers:1.2),(bad-artist-anime),bad-artist,bad hand,extra legs,(ng_deepnegative_v1_75t),bad_prompt,negative_hand-neg,Negfeet-neg,sketch,(worst quality:2),(low quality:2),(normal quality:2),low res,bad anatomy,bad hands,normal quality,((monochrome)),((abdominal muscle)),((grayscale:1.2)),disfigured,kitsch,ugly,oversaturated,grain,low-res,Deformed,blurry,bad anatomy,disfigured,poorly drawn face,mutation,mutated,extra limb,ugly,poorly drawn hands,missing limb,blurry,floating limbs,disconnected limbs,malformed hands,blur,out of focus,long neck,long body,ugly,disgusting,poorly drawn,childish,mutilated,mangled,old,surreal,big pussy,ugly pussy,deformed pussy,extra legs,nsfw,badhandv4,easynegative,nipples,mole,freckles,bad-hands-5,bad_prompt,badhandv4,02-A2badhandv4,02-A2[bad_prompt,

Steps: 40, Size: 1024x2048, Seed: 1664552669, Model: 国风3 GuoFeng3 v3.4, 神相法身 神相法身.v1, Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, CFG scale: 7

基于 stable-diffusion 模型生成。AI图像最终生成受模型版本,提示语及各项参数影响。相同提示语,每次AI图像生成结果各异。


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